Rectangle Design

The Art of Digital Experience

The digital transformation drives the customer's experience. Everything shifts into a new sphere. The good thing: You can create your own. The bad thing: You have to.
Any digital product needs to be considered in the context of a dynamic product life cycle inside an always changing environment.

The Web is just a Medium.

A new digital product or service is always part of an eco-system. Understanding the culture around helps to find the perfect fit or extention.


Fischer & Consorten

In collaboration with FISCHER&CONSORTEN and Nadia Al-Mardini, I crafted a captivating website for an innovative business insider. My design features an inspiring concept of an orca inside a digital polygone sphere, embodying their values and cutting-edge mindset.

My Role

The task involved creating a new mascot within a pyramid-shaped polygon landscape and integrating it into a responsive design system.


The challenge was to visually represent the enigmatic work of a business insider, showcasing their use of secret tools and methods in a captivating manner.

Uncommon Concept

Maria Yasinovskaya and I sought the best way to articulate her profession of guiding emotions from the subconscious to the conscious mind. The biggest challenge was simplifying the complexity of emotional work and squeeze it into a website.

My Role

The task involved creating an extension of the CI and build a website with the same visual aesthetics and manage the complex information system.


The current challenge is to master the content and create a system design that suits all requirement. Proud to create a working svg-loop-animation as a background image and integrate it inside the cms.

Dared Artist

In collaboration with DARED and the help of the no-code solution from WEBFLOW, we supported the Berlin based urban artist with the digital transformation of his Portfolio. Together we created a showcase of his multidisciplinary work and added a stunning store experience.

My Role

My task was to direct all art content into a well ordered digital concept for an online portfolio with a unique digital experience and appearance.


Nobody can read the mind of a young artist. It' s almost pointless to go through traditional processes to elaborate priorities, rather through pure empathy and intuition.

Paul Ehrlich Institute - Zwei-Jahresbericht 2019/20

In collaboration with ORCA AFFAIRS and MATERNA, we supported PEI with the digital transformation of their 2-year-report. It was the first time, they created an online version. We went through several challenges during this project and made the best out of it.

My Role

A traditional 2-year report needed to get transformed into the digital sphere with a modern UX and UI along all CI guidelines.


Throughout the whole project I was the key connection between this governmental institution, consultants, developers and users. Whenever I drew a single line, I had to keep all roles in mind to defend my decisions.

Smart City Project

In collaboration with ORCA AFFAIRS we provide guidance and supported SMART CITY DIALOG. The main focus lay on display the new and old "Modellprojekte" and create a Map.

My Role

My responsibility was to sum the "Modellprojekte" in a Germany Map and find a new way of displaying. Besides I supported the project owner with some new icons to cluster their departments and some marketing visuals along their CI guidelines.


The biggest challenge was the limitation of wordpress.

Stadt Raum Monitor

In collaboration with ORCA AFFAIRS and MATERNA, we supported BZGA with the improvement and extension of their survey Stadt Raum Monitor. The old survey didn't worked well and had several irritations.

My Role

I pushed the overall user experience with an emotional approach to become more attractive to the community and added a whole dashboard concept for the admin area, hence the whole survey becomes a digital analytic product.


Being responsible for all areas of attention and every hidden challenge took more energy, than I expected.

Pulse Editor

As a Visual Data Designer at TD-Reply, I mostly worked on their product called: Pulse. A special task as a side project was to implement an Editor to shortcut customized clients request and implement real-time data dashboard modules in weeks, instead of several sprints.

My Role

I designed the whole editor based on google material design principles.


The biggest challenge was to simplify a complex data landscape to a minimalistic smooth data cockpit, that is intuitiv to use. The main task was to create new modules that meet customized business questions from C-Level till Social Media Managers, and Consultants.


As a Visual Data Designer at TD-Reply, I joined a Team Project, where Lyrics got interpreted and itemized to a set of emotions. Besides that, we took the historical zeitgeist and compared it to the discography of the artist to provide some insights to the consumer/listener.

My Role

My task was to create an application and give an identity. I recently redesigned the whole concept and gave it the name: Mood-G. The Playlist Generator.


It was big team with different expectations and potential business use cases. Aligning everybody with my visual UI/UX Concept, that meet their intentions was the biggest challenge.